Magnet Kills Cancer Cells

Magnet Kills Cancer Cells By: Arlene Gentallan Magnet Kills Cancer Cells Scientists in South Korea devised an extraordinary way to trigger cancer cells to self-destruct. How did they do this? Here's where magnet does amazing tricks. Our body has an efficient mechanism of getting rid of old or damaged cells. That is, they are programmed to self-destruct (aka. apoptosis) and then be cleared away by the immune system, giving way for new healthy cells to grow. But in the case of cancer cells, instead of self-destructing, they continue to grow uncontrollably, even when they no longer serve any useful function for the body. What's more, they rapidly multiply in number, invade normal tissues and organs, and compete for nutrients to sustain their exponential growth. Yeah, sounds like a zombie. You get the point? Here's the trick... ...