
Showing posts from June, 2018

Shark oil skincare Review

There's a lot of good review about shark oil as a skincare mate, but there are also horrifying stories. Fish oil sounds healthy. How about we put it on our face? Would you feel beautiful? That's right! Shark oil is literally fish oil. It's the oil obtained from the liver of shark which is rich in Vitamin A. Let's review this skincare product and list it's benefits, as well as it's disadvantages. Shark oil for skin care @healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan I feel worried whenever I try a new skincare product. Some of them only works for a short while. Then there are those products that really messes up my skin which makes me feel bad in trying out the product in the first place. At times, it feels like finding a fantastic skincare product is like looking for a needle in a haystack. There's a bunch of positive feedback about shark oil. What's awesome about this product is it can show noticeable results in as early as 1 week. Here's to sum up the good tes...

What causes Hiccups?

Hiccups. We've had out fair share of this bizzre reflex. But, why do we get hiccups? Is it something that serves us any biological purpose or is it just a trivial glich in our almost perfect system? Hiccups can be caused by something as innocent as a hot chocolate drink or as deadly as a brain tumor. @healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan Hiccups is a natural reflex that is produced when our diaphragn involuntary contracts causing us to gasp air quickly followed by a sudden closure of vocal cords causing a "hic" sound. Hiccup is also known as synchronous diaphragmatic flutter (SDF) or singultus. A hiccup usually lasts for a few seconds, but there are cases that lasted to as long as hours, days, weeks, months, and even years! There's a long list of possible things that can cause a hiccup, but pinpointing the exact cause for each individual at any given time is impossible. Here's a list of possible causes of hiccup: Excitement Fear Smoking Stress Emotional upset Sudden ...

Uncontrolled Gaming: hailed by WHO as a Disorder

When your gaming habit takes over your life causing serious damage to your personal and social affairs, you can always deny that there is a problem, but the World Health Organization (WHO) will tell you that it's a disorder. And like any other kind of disorder, it needs treatment. Uncontrolled Gaming: hailed by WHO as a Disorders @healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan Playing video game is a common staple of The modern homo sapiens . In fact, more than 1 billion people play video or digital games worldwide. If you're one of these billion gamers, it doesn't mean that you have "gaming disorder." There are numerous studies claiming the positive side of playing video games, but like any other stuff we consume in excess, things can go out of hand. Gaming Disorder According to the ICD-11 (International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems) created by the WHO, gaming disorder is "as a pattern of gaming behavior (�digital-gaming� or �video-gaming�) char...

10 Health Facts & Tips # 10 @healthbiztips

10 Health Facts & Tips # 10 @healthbiztips Complainers live longer because they are able to vent out their stress. Most children have 20 "baby teeth". Your kidneys filter roughly 1,500 liters of blood everyday. An eyelash only lasts for about 150 days. Almonds are a member of the peach family. Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated. Caffeine can cross the placenta. Caffeine can pass into breastmilk. Lack of sleep is deadly. In fact, you could die in a matter of 10 days from sleep deprivation. Your sense of hearing becomes less sharp after you eat too much. View more: 10 Health Facts & Tips # 11 @healthbiztips 10 Health Facts & Tips # 9 @healthbiztips 10 Health Facts & Tips # 11 @healthbiztips 10 Health Facts & Tips # 9 @healthbiztips

21 Facts about Ebola

Why does ebola struck people with fear? It comes with a good reason. The fact that ebola has up to 90% chance of killing you is scary enough. 21 Facts about Ebola @healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan Knowing more about ebola disease and how to prevent it is vital to at least lessen the stigma attached to it. 21 Facts about Ebola 1. Ebola is a deadly disease that it kills more than 50% of the people it has infected. 2.  Ebola is not an airborne disease which means it does not spread through the air. 3. You can get infected with ebola virus by direct contact with infected body fluids such as blood, breast milk, and semen. 4. You can also get infected from contact with an object contaminated with infected fluids. 5. Portal of entry of ebola virus are cuts in skin, and mucus membranes such as the nose and mouth. 6. Symptoms of ebola start to appear as early as 2 days or as late as 3 weeks (21 days) after contact with an infected fluid. 7. Common symptoms of ebola includes heada...

Tips for Relieving Back Pain

Keep your back muscles strong.  The most common back problems happen because people who aren't in shape start doing heavy lifting or hard work and stress their back, Dr. Figuereo says. Back pain usually happens when there's degeneration of the spine because the spine is working too hard. But when you build up enough muscle strength in your back with exercise , the muscles give your spine the support it needs to keep it healthy.   Stretch your muscles.  In addition to exercise, stretching is important for staying flexible and avoiding back problems. It's also a key part of recovering from a back injury. Stretch before doing heavy lifting or exercise and make a habit of doing it before bed. Focus  on good posture.  Poor posture is another major contributor of back pain. Standing up straight with your ears over your shoulders, your shoulders over your hip joints, and your hip joints over your ankles will help keep your healthy pain-free. When you're sitti...

10 Health Facts & Tips # 9 @healthbiztips

10 Health Facts & Tips # 9 @healthbiztips Blinking your eye requires 200 muscles. Brown is the predominant eye color in the world. Green is the least common eye color. A shrimp's heart is in its head. Kitchen sink is dirtier than bathroom. Napping during the day can improve your memory. An average human scalp contains about 1000,000 hair strands. Consuming too much nutmeg can cause hallucinations. Slouching at an angle of 135 degrees is comfortable and healthy for your back. View more: 10 Health Facts & Tips # 10 @healthbiztips 10 Health Facts & Tips # 8 @healthbiztips 10 Health Facts & Tips # 10 @healthbiztips 10 Health Facts & Tips # 8 @healthbiztips

Hypertension puts You at Risk of Dementia

Studies show that having hypertension (high blood pressure) increases a person's risk of developing forms of dementia such as Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. Hypertension puts you at increase risk of developing dementia @healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan Dementia is a progressive brain disorder characterized by worsening cognitive deficit like memory loss. What makes this disease terrifying is the fact that currently, there is still no known cure for it. It is imperative to find better ways to manage this incurable disease and one good way to do so is to explore ways to prevent dementia from forming in the first place. The discovery that high blood pressure can lead to dementia gives us a good insight. High blood pressure is a growing burden globally. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in every 3 Americans suffer from high blood pressure. A BP of 130 mmHg is a risk Blood pressure of 130 mmHg is previously considered as prehypertensive, but...

How loud can Humans Hear?

Decibel is the unit used to measure how loud a sound is. Most humans can detect 0 dB sounds. Sound louder than 85dB can damage your ear. The cry of a human baby is at 110dB. @healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan Most people can tolerate between 11 dB-120 dB. Sound more than 85dB can cause damage to the inner ear which can lead to noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). List of volume generated: 0 dB - sound of a flying mosquito 10 dB - rustling of leaves 20 dB - whisper 40 dB - quite library 60 dB - normal conversation 50 dB - rainfall 70 dB - shout of a human; vacuum cleaner 80 dB - doorbell 90 dB - lawnmower; blender 110 dB - roar of a lion; cry of a baby human 119 dB - chainsaw 120 dB - thunder; ambulance siren; rock concert 140 dB - gun shot 150 dB - firecracker 170 dB - shotgun 188 dB - call of a blue whale 200 dB - atomic bomb explosion 230 dB - call of a sperm whale Decibel and Hertz don't mean the same thing Decibel is a measure of volume so it tells us how loud a sound is. On the ...

Rice water has Anti-aging Wonder

Japanese women have long discovered an all-natural skin care wonder that fights the signs of skin aging-- rice water! Rice water has been used by ancient Japanese and Chinese women to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. @healthbiztips by Arl cene Gentallan What comes to your mind when you hear the word "rice"? Food? How about a flawless skin? It certainly doesn't sound like something you'd put on your face for anti-aging purpose, but don't underestimate the potential of this grain. Did you know that rice water does a lot of perks for your skin: Whitens skin Fades blemishes and acne marks Tightens pores Firms the skin Smoothens the skin Reduces skin inflammation Moisturizes the skin Helps repairs skin and hair damage Nourishes the hair and skin Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles Rice is a grain that's a staple food in many Asian countries. It's influence has graced the modern  western civilization, yet it's application in skin care is not as ...

Probiotics fight Cancer

Did you know that those bacteria in your gut (gastrointestinal system) plays a crucial role in the fight against a disease whose very name evokes fear--cancer. Yes, those bacteria squirming inside your intestines! So they better be good! Probiotics fight Cancer @healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan Probiotic is a widely researched topic. Of it's many health benefits, it's potent efficacy against cancer has gained considerable attention. It's quite amazing to think that those microbes living in our entrails affects us in a profound way. A study by Li and colleagues uncovered that the oral probiotic mixture Prohep decreases the growth of liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma) by up to 40% in mice. Oral intake of probiotic is even more effective when taken as a preventive measure against cancer. Probiotics are live microorganisms that gives benefits to our body.  Did you know that inflammation promotes growth of cancer cells and creation of new blood vessel to support it's r...

10 Health Facts & Tips # 8 @healthbiztips

10 Health Facts & Tips # 8 @healthbiztips Hunger can trigger some of your neurons to "cannibalize" itself. An apple's scent can help fight claustrophobia. Beard is the fastest growing hair of a male. Listening to music can repair nerve damage and bring back lost memories. Autistic children have larger amygdala. Your earwax protects your ear from bacteria, fungus, and bugs! 1 square inch of human skin contains 32 million bacteria. It isn't until 3 months that a fetus develops fingerprints. There are actually some cats that are allergic to humans. Who thought that we were the only one. View more: 10 Health Facts & Tips # 9 @healthbiztips 10 Health Facts & Tips # 7 @healthbiztips

Caffeinated Coffee Increases Blood Sugar

Is it safe to drink coffee when your have diabetes? This is a controversial topic. Coffee is known to prevent the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus, but various research claim that it's caffeine content can mess up with the body's ability to use glucose for energy, which can lead to high blood glucose level. Caffeine can increase blood sugar @healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan Caffeine decreases our body's ability to respond to the glucose lowering effect of insulin, which can potentially increase blood sugar level especially among people with diabetes mellitus. Caffeine decreases insulin sensitivity, thus increasing insulin resistance. Insulin sensitivity refers to the body being able to respond to the effect of insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas which enables the transport of glucose into the cells of the body. When an individual eats a meal, blood sugar level rises so the pancreas release insulin into the blood stream to counteract this there...

10 Health Facts & Tips # 7 @healthbiztips

10 Health Facts & Tips # 7 @healthbiztips There are actually some cats that are allergic to humans. Ketchup was once used as a medicine for diarrhea. Research reveals that reading can reduce stress as much as 68%. Green beans are natural diuretics. Avocado has twice potassium content than banana. The cornea of your eye is the only part of your body that needs oxygen but is not directly supplied by blood vessels. It gets oxygen directly from the air. Peanut is a legume, not a nut! 1 in every 2,000 babies is born with a tooth. Alcohol can be detected in the urine even after 6 to 12 hours after drinking alcoholic beverage. O positive is the most common blood type. View more: 10 Health Facts & Tips # 8 @healthbiztips 10 Health Facts & Tips # 6 @healthbiztips