Here's Why Pregnant Mother should Avoid Coffee

Coffee is a staple to a huge number of people, but there are cases when it's consumption isn't advisable. Let's talk about if drinking coffee is safe during pregnancy. Here's Why Pregnant Mother should Avoid Coffee @healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan Pregnancy can be a tough period. It can be challenging especially to first time moms who may not realize that there are certain foods they should avoid or limit during this crucial period on their child's development. Coffee is among the beverages pregnant women should limit from their diet. Why you should limit coffee when you are pregnant? Drinking more than 200 mg of caffeine which you get from roughly 2 cups of coffee is link by several research to an increase risk of congenital defect, low birth weight, preterm birth, and miscarriage among pregnant women. Is coffee worth those risk? Let's look at what makes coffee not a suitable beverage among pregnant mothers. Caffeine which is found in coffee is the world'...