Digestion problem home remedy

 Digestion problem solution
Now a days most of the people facing   digestion problem, whatever the food we take, sometimes   it won�t get digested,
Indigestion may also lead to some other health problems like stomach pain, vomiting or dehydration  or headache , if we consult Doctor , it  is  apparent that he will say its food position.
Today we will learn 2    effective homemade remedies for digestion problems

Home remedy 1
These cumin seeds have lot of health benefits   among which digestion aid is primary benefit we ever get .
If you feel that fullness in your stomach or uncomfortable in your stomach especially upper part of the abdomen or some burning sensation, slight pain or moving pain some extend across  stomach  or acidity  and heartburn
To get immediate relief from above  mentioned Indigestion problems please follow the below health tip
Ingredients required
Cumin seeds / Jilakara   
health basic tips Cumin jelakara

Take one fist full of Cumin seeds | Jilakara  , munch it  long enough to form some juice with in your  mouth and engulf it
I bet that this would give you best relief from digestion problem,
Home remedy 2
Lets learn how to prepare second home remedy for digestion problem

Ingredients required
Ajwain  |Carom seeds |  vamu
health basic tips AJWAIN

Water or Curd water

water health basic tips water

Like Cumin seeds , Ajwain |Coram seeds also have innumerous  health benefits  , These Caram seeds regulate  common health issues like Acidity and Indigestion, it also help hair from greying, seasonal cold , it also has some skin benefits  And other amazing benefits is it act as mosquito repellant at  home.
Now  lets  know the procedure  of how to  make natural home remedy for indigestion

Take some  carom seeds in local language we call it as Ajwain or Vamu , grind them to fine powder , suggested method of grind is using old stone made hand grinder (rolu or rubbu rolu )  (Ammikallu or Grindstones )
Take one glass of water or majjiga /matta butter milk   and add two table spoons of this Carom seeds powder , stir it thoroughly

How to consume
Now you may wonder  when to take this drink ,  well drink this mixture after dinner, this remedy not only  improve your digestion system ,  but it also   increase your appetite.  

Best food for digestion problem is food which contains fiber  like Peas and split peas , pineapple , lentils  etc

Source : Images from Pexabay and information from  natural health books and other resource.   Posted on April 07 2018


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