
Showing posts from February, 2018

10 Health Facts & Tips # 2

10 Health Facts & Tips # 2 10 Health Facts & Tips # 2 Posted by: Arlene Gentallan @healthbiztips Health Facts & Tips: Be considerate to others. Don't pee in a pool because it mixes with chlorine and form toxic compounds. Broccoli contains more vitamin c than orange. Drinking plenty of fluids can bring your fever down. Drinking water helps relieve bloating by increasing intestinal motility. Exercise re-energizes your body. Exposure to sunlight during the early morning helps you avoid overeating. Heavy smoking can cause blindness. Tobacco smoking is associated with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) which causes irreversible central vision loss. Looking at yourself through a mirror while you exercise will make your work-out feel easier. Ripe banana is high in sugar. Health Facts & Tips: Sleep on your left side to prevent night time heartburn. Related articles: 10 Health Facts & Tips # 1

white hair treatment tips

Black Hair Tips  Now a days   so many people are   facing     white hair problem,    white   hair is   most common problem for all age groups . This is caused   by many reasons     but some common reasons are   vitamins deficiency   , stress and   lack of   eumelanin metanin on hair   etc, to get ride of this problem   people tend to use lot of   chemical hair dyes , which are   temporary solutions   on other hand   using unnatural chemical substance   on our   natural hair   may cause many   side effects including skin allergy , headache etc Today we will learn   a new natural remedy for white hair, this tip will give a permanent solution for the white hair not only this ,your hair   become strong and dandruff free  Ingredient  required Coconut oil    Amla  fruit   (usirikaya) Indian gooseberry   Dry dates   ...

Natural Hair growth for unexpected Hair Loss

Hair loss control tip 1 Nice hair style gives a beautiful look and  confident  to us. Youngsters often  try to ensure good hairstyle according to the latest trend  ,  they try  having  different haircuts at  barbershops  . Have you ever thought what is our hair  made  of ?  well our hair is made of proteins , these proteins help our hair to grow  but as we grow up   our  body gradually changes  and  due to  some  environment changes  , proteins deficiency in our boy  , improper  hair care   or using different kinds of  hair shampoos  and hair dyes our hair tends  to loose its  actual nature of beauty  therefore it results in hair color loss   i.e   black hair to white hair , sometime even hair loss , bald hair etc .   Now a day most of the people are facing this   hair loss problem, unable to grow hair, tur...

10 Weight Loss Tips

10 Dieting Tips 10 Weight Loss Tips By: Arlene Gentallan @healthbiztips We all know that diet plays a huge role in loosing weight. It's tough, but knowing is key. Here are ten tips to help you shed off those extra pounds and be one step closer to achieving that figure you always wanted. 1. Drink water to boost your metabolism by up to 30%. When your metabolism increases, your body burns more calories. 2. Pay attention to the food you are eating. Distractions like watching television while eating can make you overeat. 3. Eat more fruits and vegetables. These are loaded with fiber which not only aids in good digestion, but also helps you absorb less fat. 4. Snack on peanut butter. A study has shown that eating foods high in protein can lower craving by up to 60%. 5. Choose whole gain over processed foods. Processed foods like pasta can shoot your blood sugar up so you get hungry at a shorter period of time, which can lead to cravings. 6. When you feel the crave to indulge on so...

How to sleep fast naturally

Natural home remedy for sleep SLEEPING   TIP 1 For good health good sleep is very important , sleeping boost our immune system. Now a days most of the people are facing one common problem that is sleeping problem. In today's world earning money has become a big challenge because this ,  people are going to the extent of sacrificing their sleep , thinking for too long, taking stress and improper  food habits etc all these are causing eventually health problems especially which includes sleeplessness . If we don't sleep properly we tent to get  a lot of other health issue, primarily it directly effect our immune system , other problems like Heart attack, High blood pressure , Stoke, Heart failure may also be caused.  Sleeping is of   three types Light sleep, Deep sleep and Dream sleep. When a person is on light sleep , he wakes up easily by light noises , it is also called N1 sleep and N2 sleep , thought out   the night only five percentag...