Natural Hair growth for unexpected Hair Loss
Hair loss control tip 1
Nice hair style gives a beautiful look and confident to us. Youngsters often try to ensure good hairstyle according to the latest trend , they try having different haircuts at barbershops . Have you ever thought what is our hair made of ? well our hair is made of proteins , these proteins help our hair to grow but as we grow up our body gradually changes and due to some environment changes , proteins deficiency in our boy , improper hair care or using different kinds of hair shampoos and hair dyes our hair tends to loose its actual nature of beauty therefore it results in hair color loss i.e black hair to white hair , sometime even hair loss , bald hair etc .
Now a day most of the people are facing this hair loss problem, unable to grow hair, turning black hair into white at small age , developing dandruff all over the head , some people get even baldhead ,all these problems are partly caused by chemical contained shampoos and other hair conditions .
Why do we get dandruff
A yeast named malassezia globosa is present in our scalp , it releases oleic acid , people who are sentesitive to this acid , prone to get dandruff easily.
Why our black hair turns to white hair
Hair grow from follicles which yield melanin , this metanin gives colour to our hair, colour of our hair depends on type of metanin we have, if we have eumelanin metanin , our hair grows black in colour, if we are lack of this substances hair turns to black , as we grow older eumelanin metanin gradually get reduced on our head.
Now we learn how to prepare natural shampoo which help us our hair to grow faster , it also help hair loss problem.
Ingredient required
Hibiscus rose flowers ( red) ( yerra mandara puvvulu)
Hibiscus leaves (mandara aaku)
Chickpea flour or Bengal gram flour ( senaga pindi)
Take fifteen Hibiscus rose flowers and fifteen Hibiscus leaves , put them in a maxi grinder and make them soft paste , now take the paste in a bowl , add two spoons of Chickpea flour or Bengal gram flour . Do you know this chickpea has a frothing character , now mix once again this substances thoroughly , that�s all your natural shampoo for hair is now ready, this shampoo will help your hair to grow fast , control hair loss and also turns your white hair into black quickly.
How to apply
Apply this paste on your head and massage thoroughly.
Source : Images from Pexabay and information from natural health books and other resource.
Posted on February 24 , 2018
Posted on February 24 , 2018
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