How to gain weight naturally
Obesity is one the biggest problem , most of the countries have been facing this issue , on other hand there are lots of people who want to gain weight but here is the big difference between obesity and underweight. Obesity causes lot of health issue on other hand underweight also cause some other fatal health issues many physicians always suggest that humans should always balance their body weight according to their age .
while obesity has 50 percentage of bad health impact on human body, Being underweight also leads to bad immune system , unable to resist to infections and fertility issues.
Now a days so many youngsters want to build up their muscles they go to gym without proper diet plan but they are less likely to gain weight , unfortunately some even try to weight gain supplements without actually knowing their side effect and risks
Today we will learn a new recipe about how to put on weight fast and safe natural way
Ingredient required
Take two bananas and cut them into small pieces, , grind them in maxi grinder and pure half glass water , make it a fine juice , take it in a glass, add one table spoon honey and mix it.
How to consume
Take this juice before bed for 30 day , simply you will gain weight.
Source : Images from Pexabay and information from natural health books and other resource.
Posted on 28 March 2018
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