Remedy for Burn Skin and Burn Mark Remover for Skin

Lets know two excellent home made tips for skin burn and burn mark of skin

Home remedy for small burning wounds at home
Often  women have lots of home work at kitchen , sometime while cooking  Its more likely to  get unexpected  burns , when they get burn they normal rush pharmacy store  for some medicines or  ointments  creams etc  but Do you know we can also cure this burn  with the help of   kitchen stuff which are readily available  at home .

Today lets learn how to prepare home made remedy for unexpected burns at home .

Ingredients required

Balabar Spinach  | bachala akulu

balabar leaf  health basic tips

Take some fresh  green balabar spinach leaves , grind them in a mixi grinder , make it paste and apply on the  burn wounds
This substance help your skin to cure   your skin burns

Home made remedy Burn mark remover

Today We also  learn about how to get ride   burn marks on skin
Skin look attractive when it is clear and neat, its also gives  young and fresh  look, Some people are very much concern about   once they get burn marks on skin  its cannot be restored to original state  easily,  hope this home ready would mitigate their concern
Ingredients required

carrot health basic tips

lemon health basic tips


First take carrot and slice into tiny  pieces  and now make them  juice  using  mixi grinder  add  adequate water , once  carrot juice is ready , take it  in a bowl , now   take one lemon  and cut into two pieces ,  try to remove small lemon seeds  out of it  and squeeze one  seedless  lemon  piece into  carrot juice and mix  it thoroughly.

How to use
Apply this substance on  burn marks of your skin , practice applying for couple of days,  this will help  burn marks of your skin to blend with normal  skin colour  , helps not   easily be noticeable  on your skin.

Source : Images from Pexabay and information from  natural health books and other resource.   Posted on April  27  2018


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