10 Health Facts & Tips # 12 @healthbiztips
10 Health Facts & Tips # 12
Tobacco kills 7 million people each year. |
Broccoli contains more calcium than whole milk which, by the way, is better absorbed by the body. |
Over 200 muscles are used to take one step. |
Taking a nap decreases stress. |
If you are using antibacterial soap, then you are making those bacteria antimicrobial-resistant. |
A cat has 32 muscles in each ear. |
There are 230 joints in the body. |
We share 98.4% of our DNA with a chimp and 70% with a slug. |
Consuming very hot drinks increases risk of developing cancer. |
Cough charges droplet at a speed of 60 mph, while a sneeze at 100 mph. |
More health facts and tips:
10 Health Facts & Tips # 11 @healthbiztips
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