5 Crazy Healthy Coffee Adds-on Blend

If you're health conscious, there are lots of ways to make your cup of coffee healthier. Let me tell you, there are bizarre stuffs you can add to your coffee and these are gaining popularity.

5 Crazy Healthy Coffee Adds-on Blend
5 Crazy Healthy Coffee Adds-on Blend

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan

1. Cinnamon

Who doesn't love cinnamon roll? How about cinnamon infused coffee! This duo has an amazing aroma and flavor. Cinnamon isn't just for taste, it also comes with health benefits like lowering bad cholesterol and blood sugar level in diabetics. Add a pinch of cinnamon powder into your cup of coffee.

2. Cocoa

Are you thinking of chocolate? Both coffee and cocoa are packed with antioxidants. This combo makes an excellent delicious beverage. Add 1 teaspoon cocoa powder into your coffee drink. You can also substitute cocoa with dark chocolate instead.

3. Maca

Maca is a vegetable. People actually put maca root powder in their cup of coffee as a healthy option.

Powdered vegetable in your coffee may sound weird. But know this, maca has been used for thousands of years for it's medicinal property. It's a superfood!

Maca fights aging, boosts the mood, improves memory, balances estrogen level, and improves fertility.

To make maca-infused coffee simply add 1 teaspoon maca root powder to your cup of coffee.

4. Coconut oil

Putting oil in your cup of coffee may sound like a weird idea but this trend is getting popularity because coconut oil in coffee does have it's perks!

Coconut oil makes a creamy cup of coffee. It boosts your metabolism so you burn more calories. It also has antimicrobial property which can help you combat microbial diseases like common colds and flu.

Instead of using coffee creamer, add 1 teaspoon coconut oil in your cup of hot coffee instead.

5. Ginseng

Ginseng is popular for it's energy boosting capability. If you'd like to feel awake in the morning, why not add ginseng into your cup of coffee?

Ginseng root boosts strength, improves memory, uplifts mood, prevents cancer, prevents diabetes, lowers bad cholesterol, improves fertility, and relieves menstrual cramps.

To make ginseng coffee simply add 1 teaspoon ginger root powder to your cup of coffee.


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