Tips for gain muscle mass

                                     Important tips to gain muscle mass
  • Firstly you need calculate your BMR by online calculator.
  • When you find your BMR then multiply with 1.8 ( BMR*1.8) this is your daily calories.
  • Divide those calories into 6 meals.
  • Eat in every 3to4 hours.
  • Macro breakdown would be:carbs(c)/protien(p)/fat(f):50%/30%/20%.
  • Focus of eating 4 meals complex carbs and 2 meals of simple carbs.
  • Complex carbs like: Oats, Rice, Brown Bread, Sweet potato, Wheat Roti, Beans, Brown Rice,etc.
  • Simple carbs like: Fruits, Wheat Bread White potato, White Rice, Fruit juices,etc.
  • Eat protien food in every meals.
  • Eat 2-4 serving of fruit and 2-4 serving of vegetables salad  in every day.
  • Train 4-5 times in a week. you also train 5-6 times in a week.
  • Focus of heavy compound movement with 10 or less reps.
  • Add Drop sets by end of every erercises.
  • Rest 2-3 minutes.
  • Drink 3-4 liters of water in a day.
  • Get full body massage once in every 3 week.


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