11 Facts about Seizure in Newborn Babies

11 Facts about Seizure in Newborn Babies
11 Facts about Seizure in Newborn Babies

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan

1. Seizure happens when clusters of neurons get excited uncontrollably all at once.

2. Seizure is usually the first sign of an underlying neurological problem in newborn.

3. 1 to 5 in every 1000 live births are afflicted with neonatal seizure.

4. Preterm babies have higher incidence of seizure compared to term birth babies.

5. If seizure is left untreated, it can cause further damage to the developing brain of the newborn.

6. Seizure in newborn has many etiology, like:
intracranial hemorrhage
hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy

7. Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy is the most common cause of seizure in term birth babies.

8. Continous video-electroencephalogram (cEEG) monitoring is the gold standard to diagnose neonatal seizure.

9. Most cases of neonatal seizure are asymptomatic.

10. Electroclinical dissociation describes the phenomenon when a seizure activity is detected by cEEG, but the baby does not show any clinical symptom of a seizure attack.

11. Prognosis of seizure in newborn is based on etiology. Seizure caused by hypocalcemia has better prognosis than seizure caused by hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy.


  1. what a shame, this is plagiarised content from https://nursestutorial.blogspot.com


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