Does Vacation at Home Eliminate Work-related Stress?

Did you know that taking a vacation is one of the most effective strategy to shake off work-related stress.

Like it or not, most workplaces bombard their employees with stress every single workingday. Stress impacts performance, decision making, health, and well-being.

When stress is piled high, burnout is inevitable. What better way to shake it off than good'ol vacation.

Does Vacation at Home Eliminate Work-related Stress?
Does Vacation at Home Eliminate Work-related Stress?

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan

During vacation, do you choose to stay at home or go somewhere you've never been before?

Want to know which one is better? Here's a research by C. Blank et al. in which they've recruited 40 employees who hold middle manager position. They were split into two groups. Half stayed at home while the others stayed in a hotel for a short vacation lasting 4 consecutive days.

It turns out that even those manager who stayed at home during vacation had great reduction in stress and significant improvement in well-being. Both group gain benefit from taking a time away from work. Although their were certain areas which shows that taking a vacation away from home is better than stay at home vacation, like immediate strain reduction, the results were inconclusive.

It is good to know that even a short vacation does a lot for the health and well-being of an employee.

The positive effect of this short vacation remained even after 45 days, which may seem a short time compared to the months employees have to endure, but that's not to say that it's not doing it's part in making an employee's life less stressful.

After all, vacation is something we look forward to with delight and excitement, even for those who choose to stay at home during this special time in the period of our mortal existence.

Those few precious days of your vacation is worth it to shake off the stress.

...makes you think where you'd be spending your next vacation, doen't it? Expenses may be tight so spending a vacation out of town may not always be feasible to some people. If that is the case, then, vacation at home will work out just fine, because as they say, if you can't reach Paris or Japan, a roof under your head will do.

Unwind, relax, enjoy!


Blank, Cornelia et al. �Short Vacation Improves Stress-Level and Well-Being in German-Speaking Middle-Managers-A Randomized Controlled Trial� International journal of environmental research and public health vol. 15,1 130. 13 Jan. 2018, doi:10.3390/ijerph15010130


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