What are you really drinking in your water?

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the water we drink is responsible for up to 20% of lead exposure in humans. And an EPA report demonstrates that at least 13% of the nation�s water treatment systems have violated the Safe Drinking Water Act in each of the past five years.
I spent some time researching the drinking water contaminants listed on the EPA's website. Here's what could be lurking in your drinking water:

Heavy Metals - (Lead, Mercury, and Cadmium)
Source: Corrosion of household plumbing systems and galvanized pipes; erosion of natural deposits; discharge from metal refineries; runoff from waste batteries and paints.
Health Effects: Even at low levels, long term exposure of heavy metals can cause kidney damage, and may cause behavioral problems and learning disabilities.
Disinfection By-Products
Source: Byproduct of drinking water disinfection
Health Effects: Long term exposure can cause liver, kidney or central nervous system problems and the increased risk of cancer.
Source: Runoff from herbicide used on row crops, leaching from insecticides
Health Effects: Can cause liver, spleen, blood and kidney problems, cardiovascular system problems, and reproductive difficulties.
Industrial Pollutants
Source: Discharge from various factories and chemical plants
Health Effects: Increased risk of cancer, liver and kidney problems.

So you might be asking - "Is bottled water a better choice?" The answer is NO! Not only is bottled water a bad choice for your wallet and the environment, but it may not be contaminant free. The EWG (Environmental Working Group) found 38 contaminants in the top 10 brands of bottled water! Unlike public water utilities, the bottled water industry is not required to publicly disclose the results of any contaminant testing it conducts.
Introducing Get Clean Water
Get Clean Water is a revolutionary water-filtration pitcher system certified by the
Water Quality Association (WQA) to reduce up to 99% of lead, as well as dozens of other
nasty contaminants (including all of the ones I listed above) that can turn up in your water and may be harmful to your health.
- Get Clean� Water is a multi-patented water system that uses a solid block of carbon to filter and clean your water. Each Get Clean Water filter handles 80 gallons of water, twice as much as Brita� and PUR�2, and each filter is made from sustainable coconut shell carbon using a zero-emission process!
- BPA FREE pitcher holds 10-cup capacity
Beats Leading Brands!
- Certified to reduce 99% of lead - Brita� and PUR� pitchers are not!
- Certified to filter 80 gallons� 2X Brita and PUR2
- 1st pitcher with refillable carbon-block filter system
- Costs only pennies a gallon for cleaner, healthier water!
- One Get Clean� Water filter replaces more than 600 16.9 fl. oz. bottles of water
We LOVE using our Get Clean� Water pitcher! I love knowing that my family is drinking clean, healthier water! Want to make the switch and have healthier water for your family? Click HERE to buy yours today, and if you're interested, ask me how you can save 15% off your entire order! There's also an unconditional money-back guarantee, so try it risk free. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at pathtowellness12@gmail.com
Have a great day!
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