Why Can�t I Sleep?

Always exhausted? You�re not alone.almost half of Americans don�t get enough sleep, or what they get isn�t good enough. Whether you struggle to fall asleep or can�t seem to stay that way, there�s a reason why the sleep you need is so elusive. Such as:

You check your phone before bed.Social media and email can bring stress. That can make you struggle to sleep, says Joseph Chandler, PhD, an assistant professor of psychology at Birmingham-Southern College.The other issue with phone time before bedtime? Your brain thinks the artificial light from the screen is daylight. So, your body doesn�t make as much of something called melatonin. That�s a chemical that helps you sleep. If you don�t have enough of it, you may get insomnia -- the inability to fall or stay asleep.

You go to bed at different times all week long Hitting the hay at 9:30 on Wednesday and midnight on Saturday can throw off your body�s internal clock. That can make it harder for you to fall and stay asleep. It can also make you groggy when you wake up,

You wind down with a few adult beverages. A drink in the evening is fine for most adults (ask your doctor if you�re not sure it�s a good idea for you). Several, or a true before-bed nightcap, can help you fall asleep but can also keep you from getting the deep, restful sleep we�re all after.What�s more, alcohol is a diuretic that leads to middle-of-the-night trips to the bathroom.


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