17 Interesting Facts about Clostridium tetani
17 Interesting Facts about Clostridium tetani Clostridium tetani is the bacteria responsible for causing tetanus in humans. Here are interesting facts about this deadly bacteria. 17 Interesting Facts about Clostridium tetani @healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan 1. Tetanus is a disease caused by a bacteria (Clostridium tetani) that targets the nervous system. In fact, Clostridium tetani can cause 4 types of tetanus: 1. Generalized tetanus is the most common form in which the infection spreads throughout the body. 2. Localized tetanus only affects the area near the site of C. tetani entry. 3. Cephalic tetanus involves the muscle of the face and is very painful. 4. Neonatal tetanus afflicts newborn babies and has a high fatality rate. 2. Clostridium tetani is a rod-shaped, gram positive bacteria. 3. Clostridium tetani is a bacteria that moves using rotary flagellum. 4. The word "clostridium" is derived from the Greek word "kloster" which means spindle. 5. Clostridium t...
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