Eat Slowly to Loose Weight

Eat Slowly to Loose Weight

Eat Slowly to Loose Weight
Eat Slowly to Loose Weight

By: Arlene Gentallan

        Did you know that it takes your brain about 20 minutes to actually realize that you're already satisfied with the food you eat? That's why it's a  good strategy to take your time eating your meal especially if you want to loose weight.

        Don't just gobble your food. It wouldn't run away anyway. Research has shown that eating slowly lets a person to overall consume less calorie.

        Here are some tricks to help you to eat slowly:

Take smaller bites

Put down that heaping spoonful of everything and divide it! Stop eating your lunch one mouthful at a time. Take your meal one small bite at a time. Eating slowly enables you to actually enjoy your meal. It's not just swallowing which makes a meal delightful. Do notice it's aroma, texture, and taste.

Remember to Chew

Chew your food properly. You did want to eat in order to indulge in it's taste, right? Not just pile it in your gut. Plus...chewing your food properly aids in proper digestion.

Keep in mind that you are eating

Avoid distraction like watching television or surfing the internet while eating. Focus on the food you are eating. If you're distracted, you'll loose tract of how many pizza you've already stuffed in your mouth. Human, look at your food!

Drink water

Drink sips of water in between heaping or in the middle of a meal. Not only does this makes you eat slowly, this will also help you feel full minus the extra calories.


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