
Showing posts from May, 2018

10 Health Facts & Tips # 5 @healthbiztips

10 Health Facts & Tips # 5 @healthbiztips Do something consistently for 2 months and that becomes your habit. Babies are born color blind. It isn't until they reach 6 months that they are able to see colors. Honey can soothe hangover. Human brain is not designed for multitasking. Ingesting a larger dose of Vitamin C actually lessens it's gut absorption. Listening to loud music improves mood. Red pepper and broccoli have more Vitamin C than orange.   Tears improve the sharpness of your vision. The storage capacity of a human brain is about 2.5 million gigabyte. Sleeping for more than 10 hours per day can decrease your life expectancy. View more: 10 Health Facts & Tips # 6 @healthbiztips 10 Health Facts & Tips # 4 @healthbiztips

Amazing facts about Human body

The brain is more active at night then during the day.scientists don't know yet why this is . The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve does't distroy the stomach becouse the stomach walls constantly renew themselves the largest cell in the body is female egg and the smallest is the male sperm. During your lifetime, you will produce enough saliva to fill two swimming pools. By age 60, most people will have lost half there taste buds. The stongest muscle in the body is the human tongue. The only part of the body that has no blood supply in the cornea in the gets its oxygen directly from air. every body has one strong eye and one weak eye. The only part of the body that can't repair itself is  the tooth. Your right lung is larger then your left lung.

How Effective is Red Wine in Treating Hair Loss?

Red wine prevents hair loss. That may not be what you'd expect from a wine. But, that's what they say. There are also claims that we can apply red wine directly onto the affected area to promote hair growth. How Effective is Red Wine in Treating Hair Loss? @healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan Red wine contains resveratrol, a natural antioxidant derived from the skin of red grapes used to make it. Resveratrol prevents damage to the skin and hair follicles by free radicals and ultraviolet light. It also improves blood circulation in the skin which is critical to maintain healthy hair. Resveratrol is therefore, what is claimed to be the key in red wine's ability to promote hair growth. The Proof It's disappointing that there is no clear evidence supporting the well known claim that red wine is a natural home remedy against hair loss. Further research is still needed on this topic. Although resveratrol has been shown to do a number of things to promote hair growth like boosti...

Workout | Home | Gym

Here, some beneficial exercises are given below which can help beginners. Give a little minute of a day to your body to transform into a masterpiece. Exercising at home is, hopefully, something you've been thinking about while sitting on the sofa, pawing at your doughy middle. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Press-up How to do it: Get down into a press-up position with your hands placed shoulder-width apart and back flat, so a straight line forms from your head to heels, via your glutes. Lower your body until your chest is an inch from the ground then explosively drive up by fully extending your arms. That's on rep. Why: This move uses multiple muscle groups for maximum growth and strengthens your shoulder joints. Easily done as an exercise at home, this prepares you for progression to the more demanding shoulder exercises you'll face in a gym, ...

Difference Between Physique and Bodybuilding

This is probably a very big observable difference between bodybuilding and physique. Bodybuilders tend to rely more on muscle mass as compared to the people into the physique. Due to more muscle mass, the body is lesser attractive as compared to Physique. There is more of vascularity i.e. appearance of veins on the muscle surface which is one of the reasons for the muscles to lose grace. Another difference that strikes due to larger muscle mass is the midsection of the body i.e. the waistline.  Bodybuilders, due to rigorous workouts, tend to develop waist muscles as well which leads to larger and bulgier waistlines. On the contrary, Men�s Physique athletes have very narrow waistlines. They cut down incredibly on their body fat content to get a conditioned and yet a narrow physique. A bulged waistline is an acceptable trait in Bodybuilding but not in Physique.

Nipah virus | awareness

Nipah virus infection is a viral infection caused by the Nipah virus. Symptoms from infection vary from none to fever, cough, headache, shortness of breath, and confusion. This may worsen into a coma over a day or two. Kerala has been on high alert due to mysterious deaths of eight people because of an unidentified viral attack. Out of these, three were reported to be caused by Nipah Virus (NiV). As per the National Institute of Virology, Pune, Nipah Virus is the sole cause of these three deaths. Rajiv Sadanandan, Kerala�s health secretary, has assured that the government has started its preparation towards fewer deaths and that people should not panic. An unheard virus, NiV is yet to be understood by many. Here is what the virus is all about. What is NiV? As per the World Health Organisation (WHO), Nipah Virus is a newly emerging zoonosis that causes a severe disease in both animals and humans. This virus was first identified in Malaysia and Singapore in 1998. At that time, it was pr...

10 Health Facts & Tips # 4 @healthbiztips

10 Health Facts & Tips # 4 @healthbiztips The most common lie we tell is "I'm fine." Did you know that a shark's cornea resemble that of a human that it has been used for corneal transplant in people. If all the hair of an average person is used to lift weight, it could carry up to 2 tons. Have someone you can talk to. Being able tell someone about what you're going through reduces stess. Strawberry and kiwi have more Vitamin C than orange.   Taking deep breaths can improve your blood circulation. The soles of your feet have more sweat gland than any other part of your body. The type of music you listen to affects how you see perceive the world around you. We blink about 17 times per minute. That's 1,020 blink in just 1 hour. Your kidneys filter your blood about 300 times a day. Check out: 10 Health Facts & Tips # 5 @healthbiztips 10 Health Facts & Tips # 3

Few tips for your fitness goal

                      Achieve your fitness goal Firstly you need to join a gym        Joinig a gym, increase the chance of your has many advantages, from having access greater variety of equipment to spruching up your confidence and motivational level. Invest in a good trainer      A good trainer can really help you to achive your goals faster and in a safer way as well.when you are hiring a trainer there are few thing to keep in mind.Make sure the trainer you hire is qualified from a reputed institute and ideally has a few year's experience Supplement are not bad Not all supplement are bad, especially your vitamines. these will give your all the necessary nutrients during the time of stesss.consult your doctor before taking suppliment. Build a healthy relationship with food There are no good or bad food.Every food has place in your diet.You just have to pick the right time and right qu...

Can Vitamin C be absorbed by our Skin

Have you given it a second thought if you can actually absorb Vitamin C through your skin? Vitamin C is a hit in many topical products like creams, serum, lotions, bath salts so you should be able to absorb it, right? Can Vitamin C be absorbed by our Skin @healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan Vitamin C is very unstable. It degrades easily upon exposure to factors like high pH, high temperature, oxygen, and even light. But, yes, we can actually absorb Vitamin C by applying it directly into our skin. Provided that it is formulated in such a way that makes it stable. Proper  formulation of Vitamin C is critical to ensure that it gets absorbed into the skin. In order for Vitamin C to be able to penetrate the skin, topical products must maintain a pH of lower than 3.5. Since the higher the dose, the lesser the absorption, optimal concentration of Vitamin C for topical application is 20%. It's half life is 4 days. See also: Benefits of Topical Vitamin C Resource: Pinnell S. (2001). Topical ...

Health facts

Laughing is good for the heart and can increase blood flow by 20 percent. Always look on bright side:begain an optimist can help you live longer. Exercise will give you more energy ever when you'r tired. Nearly 30% of the world's population is obese. Drinking coffee can reduce the risk of depression,especially in woman. Yoga can boost your cognitive and lowers stress. Walking outside-or spending time in green grass can reduce negative thoughts. Chocolate is good for skin..... it's antioxidants improve blood flow and protect against uv damage. Tea can lower risk of heart attack,certain cancers,diabetes and parkinson's disease.just make sure your tea isn't too sweet. Eating oatmeal provides a serotonin boost to calm the brain and improve your mood.


Testosterone is a hormone found in humans. Men have much higher levels of testosterone than women. Production increases during puberty   and starts to decrease after age 30. For each year over age 30, the level of testosterone in men starts to slowly dip at a rate of around 1 percent per year. A decrease in testosterone level is a natural result of aging.                                     SIGN of low testosterone Low sex drive Difficulty with erectin Low semen volume Hair loss Loss of muscle mass Increasing body fat Decreased bone mass Mood changes                                 How to boost your testosterone Avoide outside sources of suger Increase healthy fats Drink plenty water Start a strenght traning Do cardia interval time Get a full night's sleep Reduce your stress level And train your leg for natual redu...

Time to build your muscls

compound exercise are your best tools for growth. Use them. Eat your biggest meal of the day about 30 to 60 minutes after you lift weights. Get strong! There are no weak bodybuilders. You don't have to become a powerlifter, but you do need to dramatically improve your strength over what it is now.  Squats are king of the muscle builders, and they are not bad for your knees unless your form is horrible and/or you are half-squatting. Deadlift. If squats are king, deadlifts are second in command. They are not bad for your back.  Learn proper form. Read every article, and watch every video you can on proper exercise form. never make excuse.  Beginners...stop training like advanced lifters, using advanced splits and training techniques. They are not needed. What you need is to get strong on the basic compound lifts more than anything. Stop believing that muscle building is rocket surgery. It isn't. Get stronger, eat enough food and stay persistence. Stop complaining about...

Benefits of Topical Vitamin C

Did you know that Vitamin C is the most abundant antioxidant found in the human skin. Antioxidants are phenomenal because of their anti-aging property. No wonder, Vitamin C is a popular ingredient in a wide array of dermatologically tested skincare products. Benefits of Topical Vitamin C @healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan As we age, Vitamin C level in our skin actually drops. Therefore, topical application of Vitamin C is beneficial especially as we age. Here are the benefits of applying Vitamin C directly into the skin: Protects against damaging ultraviolet A and B light. But, it's a not a replacement for sunscreen. Make sure to wear SPF protection while under the sun. Neutralizes damaging free radicals. Boosts collagen and elastin production in the skin. Repairs skin damage, like in sunburn. Reduces appearance of fine line, wrinkles, and age spots. Smoothens skin texture. Lightens dark spots and acne marks. Prevents darkening of the skin by inhibiting melanin production. Reduces ...

Ginger for Gout: Natural Remedy

Having a gout attack is excruciatingly painful. If you've had one, you'll definitely don't want another attack. A doctor can prescribe you conventional pain-relievers but if you want a natural and healthy alternative, you may want to look into this spice--ginger. Ginger for Gout: Natural Remedy @healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan Gout is an inflammatory arthritis caused by the accumulation of uric acid in joints. Taking ginger root as a natural remedy benefits those suffering from gout because of it's potent anti-inflammatory components gingerol and shogaol. Ginger helps relieve pain and improve joint mobility among those affected with gouty arthritis. Ginger isn't just for gout. In fact, people suffering from other forms of inflammatory joint diseases like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis also benefits from taking ginger. Ginger root is a popular alternative remedy against nausea, vomiting, flatulence, morning sickness, loss of appetite, stomachache, diarrhe...

Warm up

Statics stretching before a workout doesn't do your body much good .infact ,reacherch from stephen F.Austin state of state university found that exercises who did stastic stretching before lifting hard impaired strenghth compared to those who performed a dynamic warm-up, a muscle-warming routine that includes moves like walking lunges and high skips. Get in the habit of perfoming a dynamic warmup before any kind of workout and you'll not only enhance your performance, but also help prevent injury.

This much Green Tea can Damage your Liver

Green tea is pack full of health benefits. But, even this ancient beverage made from the leaves of the plant Camellia Sinensis does put a toll onto your liver. How much you take in your body is something you have to have take into consideration. This much Green Tea can Damage your Liver @healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan Green tea and Liver damage Here's a case of a 16 year old girl who suffered from hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) because of drinking 3 cups of Chinese green tea for 3 months. She had purchased the green tea online as a weight loss supplement. The girl's identity was kept confidential on the article published on BMJ case reports. The girl claimed she did not take any over the counter meditation, and did not drink alcoholic beverages. Hepatitis is commonly caused by virus, but the medical team did not find any infection in her. This finding is frightening because it undermines green tea's many beneficial effects. But, this is a wake-up call to everyone...

Instant Noodles are High in Salt: How Bad is it?

Instant Noodles are High in Salt: How Bad is it? Hunger. I was looking for a quick fix so I settled with a steaming bowl of instant noodles which is spicy ramen flavored. As I indulge on it's sensational seafood flavor and heavenly spicy aroma, I reflected on it's sodium content--1800 mg in just a single serving. That's a lot! @healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan How much salt should We take per day? Table salt is made up of the minerals sodium and chloride. 2,300 mg sodium is comparable to 1 teaspoon salt. The world health organization recommends sodium intake of less than 5000 mg, while the American Heart Association prefers lower--limiting sodium intake to less than 2,300 mg per day. Going back to that bowl of instant noodles. Comparing it with the American Heart Association's recommendation, I've heatedly eaten up 78% of the total daily recommended sodium intake in just 1 snack. That's not healthy. I thought to myself, I shouldn't be eating this too often....

YOGA | In our life | Transformation

Transform your body and mind with Yoga Yoga is the best way of relaxation. Yoga is one of the blessing given by INDIAN ancient dynasty. Yoga can be utilize  different prospective and calming our mind. Yoga is the best way to enhance our immunity system and grow our precious life. Yoga is combination of both spirituality and all type of exercises. Now it has been proved that it can be helpful in various critical diseases.  keep doing yoga can be helpful in cure of various problems of human life.

How to Ripen an Avocado Faster?

Avocado ripens naturally on it's own. When you leave it at room temperature (30�C), this fruit usually ripens in a matter of days. On the contrary, refrigerating an avocado slows down it's ripening. How to Ripen an Avocado Faster? @healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan If you'd like to speed up the process of ripening avocado, you can use several techniques. How to Ripen an Avocado Fast? 1. The paper-bag technique Wrap an avocado inside a paper-bag. The purpose of putting the avocado in paper is to prevent the odorless ethylene gas it naturally produces from completely escaping, thus accelerating the ripening process. Do not use plastic bag since this will not allow enough breathing space so your avocado will soak on it's own moisture. Store your paper-wrapped avocado at room temperature. Ripening using this process can take 3 to 5 days. 2. Fruit Pals If you'd like to accelerate the ripening of avocado even more, add two or more avocados inside the paper bag. This way, ...