Are supplement necessary for bodybuilding???

                           Do you need supplement to build muscle?

        This is an important question that many beginners and intermediates need the right answer
  • The answer is quite simple once you take the word "need" in its true meaning which is "to require(something) because it is essential or very important".we know the things are required to build muscle: proper nutrition , resistance training, and progressive overload. This are the fundamentals you need to build muscle no matter your experience level.
  So is supplementing something that you need in order to experience gains in size and strength ?

                       The straight answer: no they are not required to gain muscles.

If  you focus on eating adequate amounts of protein, carbs, and fats while training at full intensity, you will see impressive gain in your strength and muscle size.

If you think you need supplement to gain muscle, you are mistaken. that's the whole truth.Gain in strength and muscle mass are possible without them.
  • The important point here is that i don't say that supplement are evil and you should avoid them 
      Yes you can start using supplement only when you you have extra money to spent it. If you are short on money ,forget about supplement and focus on real healthy food in the first place .

it;s simple. Training, Diet and restoration first, Supplement next. They can enhance performance a bit, but expect nothing extraordinary. it's sure way to frustration.


                                so now you really want to use supplement. what to choooooose?  



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